What Is Life Coaching?

The term “life coaching” refers to a process in which you, the client, work in close partnership with a coach to get your life “unstuck” and transform it from what it is, to what you want it to be.   It is an exhilarating, forward-directed process that involves several steps, including the following:

* examining and understanding your level of contentment in different areas of your life

* creating a clear vision of the life you want to live

* discovering the blocks that are preventing you from moving forward

* overcoming those blocks

* setting clearly defined, attainable, time-limited goals

* progressing with clarity and confidence, step by step, toward your goals

* enjoying consistent encouragement, accountability, and non-judgemental support from your coach as you make the desired changes in your life

The foundational premise of coaching is that “all the answers lie within” the client.  The coach will not tell you what to do.  She is simply a well-trained, objective facilitator who helps you discover that the answers to the challenges (new opportunities) you face lie within yourself.  By asking you probing, empowering questions that force you to think deeply, and by using the tools and skills of her profession, she will enable you to discover for yourself what you want to achieve and how to go about doing so in a way that works for you.

What Life Coaching Is Not:

Life coaching is not therapy or counseling.  During the coaching process you and your coach will spend little time delving into the past and analyzing how and why you got where you are.  The focus of coaching is on moving from the present to a more fulfilling future. 

Life coaching is also not like the mentoring or consulting professions. Your coach will not recommend a course of action for you to pursue based on her education and life experience.  Coaching helps you uncover the answers within yourself.

Finally, coaching is not like receiving advice from a relative or an old friend. Those individuals are already part of your story, have a history with you and, very likely, a vested interest in the outcome of your decisions.  By contrast, your coach is not a part of your story.  She is objective and unbiased.  While remaining fully invested in you, she will help you meet your goals.  Your coach will be your greatest cheerleader and supporter; her objective is to assist you in reaching your goals using the pathways you choose. 


The information you share with your coach is held in the strictest confidence.  Furthermore, under no circumstance will any of your personal information ever be sold, traded, or given away.


“A goal properly set is halfway reached.”   Zig Ziglar